Undownloading color from the phone

Uploaded on April 14, 2024

I am aware that the phone controls me – this is why the phone exists. I want to use the phone less. I want to have greater control over the phone. The two things that I’ve done that are most effective at completing this goal have been:

  • Deleting social media accounts + apps

Turning your screen black and white is effective at reducing the control tech companies have on you. They have designed the phone and apps to buzz, ding, and flash in a symphony that keeps us hooked to their reward system — this is by design.

Modifying your phone to break this design by increasing complexity and modifying the inputs / outputs into these reward systems negatively impacts the efficacy of them. The goal is to break the reward system and take the control back from the phone. The goal is to use the phone, instead of the phone using you.

How to undownload color

  • Search your phone for “color filters”
  • Accessibility > Display > Text size > Color filters

Clicking on this should take you to a toggle that you can turn on / off. Maybe it’s just my settings but toggling on should toggle b+w by default.

You have now undownloaded color.