May 2024

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Not much to report from May – it was chill, didn’t do too much though. Mentally I’ve been engaging with Palestine more – I read Edward Said’s After the Last Sky. I think this engagement has led to me feeling generally better.

It is still sad to meet new people and tell them I’m Palestinian and their response is “oh I’m so sorry, your existence is so miserable”

I’m working on Prompt Party again.

I’ve been skating the gpark bowl almost every day.

I went on a day trip to Idyllwild that was really great. I wrote a blog post about going to this cool house (Donaldson Futuro House) and this guy found the blog post and was emailing me about it. Signal is working!

Went to a monster truck rally it sucked. The people who I went with were all like “this is so fun!” I think I only like hanging by myself or skateboarding.

Mood and Image Upload Frequency

Number of days I tracked my mood: 30
Average mood: 62
Total images uploaded: 48



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