Jul 2024

<< June 2024August 2024 >>

July was a really weird month. I didn’t have a great time. The month started out with me in Chicago spending time with people who are really important to me like my mom and dad. Leila had left Chicago at this point, and I was chilling with Jonah and Rachel. I was over in Lincoln Park a bunch cause Rachel worked a block from Jonah. Jonah and I were drawing and making music in his little apartment. Not a great environment for it but so good to chill with Jonah.

I left Chicago with my dad to have a little family reunion in Kansas. Saw cousins Ausin and Nolan and Leila and Hassan came through, my parents were there, and all the Lawrence people – Memer, Peper, Auntie, Tom.

This is where I smoked weed for the first time I bought some from this kid at the skatepark who’s now pro (?) for Fancy Lad haha Jared Smith. Smoked right here in this chair and then went back in the house and my mom was like why does it smell like weed and I told her it didn’t and she went back to bed.

This is the AirBNB Austin stays at every summer in Kansas. I was telling his oldest, Levi, who’s 12 now, that he had a similar experience that I did when I was growing up in Lawrence trying to find ways to spend time in the summer. I told him to take art classes or something.

While I was leaving, I dropped off my dad and Leila and Hassan at the airport in KC and then I hung out in KC for a little bit found this alley of fireworks stores.

When I got back to LA I got in (and am still in) a shitty headspace. It’s so easy in LA to just be totally by myself and that’s what ended up happening. Been feeling really depressed about Palestine. Today in the news:

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says he spoke to Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant “about the threats posed by Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, and other Iranian-backed terrorist groups”.

Picture above is where I got my head shaved down to 1. Every time I do this the barber is like are you sure? Like they’re aiding someone in getting hit by a car.

Fuck this country

Mood and Image Upload Frequency

Number of days I tracked my mood: 28
Average mood: 55
Total images uploaded: 100



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